Raftery's Bar

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Raftery's Bar, Craughwell, County Galway

Rachel Raftery runs one of the great West of Ireland pubs. Raftery’s Bar, in the little village of Craughwell, is pristine, polished, professional, and pretty perfect. It’s the country pub made ideal, the country pub that we all want to discover, a place that echoes its history – four generations of history here – whilst always managing to stay up-to-date and awake to all the new goings on that can make a destination even better. It’s a place that feels rooted in Craughwell, yet is open to all, wherever you hail from. It’s a place of good welcome, and good cheer,  place for socialising and for drinking and  – perhaps most important of all – for eating really well. Ms Raftery and the team do everything well, but in particular they make one of the best chowders you will ever eat, so that’s the place to start before you enjoy a good sirloin with garlic butter, or hearty bacon and cabbage with parsley sauce. Raftery’s rings all the bells, joyously.

53.229338, -8.733877
Craughwell, Co Galway
+ 353 91 846708

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