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Archive - all the best places to eat, shop and stay in Ireland. A local guide to local places.

Ireland's Best

Dun Artisan Bakery
64 Main Street, Dungarvan, Co Waterford
Carrick Road, Drumshambo, County Leitrim
Renvyle House
Renvyle House Hotel, Letterfrack, Connemara, County Galway.
Inch Black Pudding
Patrick Street, Templemore, Co Tipperary
Lancaster Quay, Western Road, Cork, County Cork.
Russells Bar and Fish Shop
Fiddle + Bow Hotel, Teergonean, Doolin, Co Clare
Maura Foley
Killowen, Cork Road, Kenmare, Co Kerry
1826 Adare
Main Street, Adare, County Limerick
Xi'an Street Food
28 South Anne Street, Dublin 2
