Coffee perfection lies in the detail in CoffeeWerk and Press says John McKenna

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Dan Ulrich checks the temperature of the water. He checks the weight of the coffee. He checks the weight of the water. He sets a timer as he pours the water on the ground coffee to release the bloom from the beans.
Dan Ulrich is making you a cup of coffee. This is CoffeeWerk & Press, in the centre of Galway city.
CoffeeWerk is on Galway’s Shop Street. It’s a narrow shop, which doesn’t have any seats for its patrons, who sit outside on the street. The shop sells coffees, hot chocolate, teas, and small bites to eat, as well as glimmering coffee kit, and beautiful cards and posters.
Upstairs, where Mr Ulrich houses an old vinyl system and his records, there are beautiful objects for the home and for the person that you don’t actually need, but which you desperately want.
But what you want above all is a cup of coffee which expresses a narcotic magnificence. Mr Ulrich knows this, which is why he gauges the temperature, the weight, the time. He is finickity, and all in a good cause: the perfect cup of coffee, he knows, is not a simple thing, and the more that he particularises the process, the closer he gets to perfection.
Using kalita wave brewers and with Coffee Collective beans, Mr Ulrich produces coffee as narcotic in the cup. It’s superlative. It’s art.
Of course, it’s also pure Galway.
And it’s not just the coffee.
Hey, Aoife McElwain, of The Irish Times! What do you reckon about Dan Ulrich’s hot chocolate? “The best hot chocolate I have ever had in Ireland.”
Great coffee = work. Great coffee = CoffeeWerk.