
Archive - all the best places to eat, shop and stay in Ireland. A local guide to local places.

From an INCREDIBLY close-fought battle, you and our Editors have come to a decision. The


at this very moment in time is.......

The Pulled Pork from @brother_hubbard

Here is what some of you have to say about the winner:

"No doubt, the #bestsandwichindublin is the pulled pork in Brother Hubbard, soooo delicious, tasty, yummy and satisfying sandwich! I love the mix of flavours, the grilled bread, the hot and perfect seasoned pork,crusty fresh spinach and the creamy celeriac remoulade with a touch of moustard... mmmm!!!! We don't have those in Spain!!"

"For me it has to be Brother Hubbard, I hate eating things that have been stored in the fridge and are too cold to taste properly. A while back I was talking to one of the staff in there and he said they make everything by hand in the cafe apart from the bread and they never refrigerate the sandwiches, making them in small batches instead which makes a huge difference in my book."

"Brother Hubbard definitely. Always top of my list because it's not just fresh and tasty but a very thoughtful combination of flavours. That pulled pork rocked!"

Congrats to those who were nominated, those who were shortlisted, and to the final winner. Look out for next year's #bestsandwichindublin - and indeed let's find the #bestsandwichinireland! Watch this space!

Read our Editors' Awards for the year http://www.guides.ie/megabites/2013-megabites-awards