The Fish Box

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  • The Fish Box
  • The Fish Box
  • The Fish Box
  • The Fish Box
  • The Fish Box
  • The Fish Box
  • The Fish Box
  • The Fish Box

“Fish Catchers. Fish Cookers” is how The Fish Box succinctly summarise just what it is that they do in Dingle. The slogan is simple, but we have to be careful to ensure that it doesn’t simplify what the Flannery family are doing in Dingle, because what The Fish Box does is genuinely, truly radical.
For starters, the family have brilliantly unified the chain of supply, from ocean to oven, in a way that no one else has ever managed to do, because no one ever thought it was possible to do it. They catch the fish in their own 24-metre trawler, the Cu na Mara, then get it back to Dingle marina as fast as they can. From there, it travels a few hundred metres to Upper Green Street to The Fish Box, where it is prepared, then cooked when you place your order.
So, when you lift that spoonful of creamy chowder from the bowl, or bite into those shatteringly crisp scampi, you need to acknowledge that the fish and shellfish in TFB taste as good as they do because the family that cooks them is the family that caught them. People, how magnificently, totally brilliant is that: the Catchers are also the Cookers! Of course, the Flannery family are every bit as good at hospitality and service as they are at fishing, which makes The Fish Box a joyful, vibe-filled place to visit to enjoy the very best Dingle hospitality, as well as the very best Dingle fish.


52.1415429, -10.2704251
Michael and Patrick Flannery
Flannery's Seafood Bar, Green Street, Dingle
087 6027866

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