Inch Black Pudding
“She baked and cooked all her life for her 13 children and she has influenced my style and confidence over the years. It is my mother's recipe for the traditional black pudding.”
That’s how Nora Egan, the middle of three generations to make the venerated Inch House traditional black pudding, explains the genesis of the pudding, created originally by Nora’s mother, Mary Ryan, and which is today made by Nora’s daughter, Mairin Byrne.
Granny Mary, Nora and Mairin allow us to time-travel every time we enjoy a slice of Inch House pudding. We go back to the days of fresh pig’s blood and Irish oats. We journey back through the decades via female farming intuition, and a household economy that utilised everything it could from the farmyard pig. “Everything except the squeal” as the famous aphorism has it.
The flinty earthiness of Inch House pudding lies with the use of fresh pig’s blood, gifting it with a uniquely feral, meaty and mineral-rich resonance. It’s nothing but pure goodness, three generations old.